Doxycycline For Sinus Infection

DOXYCYCLINE FOR SINUS INFECTION : yeast infection vs diaper rash.

Doxycycline For Sinus Infection

    sinus infection

  • Sinusitis is inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, which may be due to infection, allergy or autoimmune issues. Most cases are due to a viral infection and resolve over the course of 10 days. It is a common condition with more than 24 million cases occurring in the United States annually.


  • an antibiotic derived from tetracycline that is effective against many infections; “Vibramycin is the trade name of doxycycline”
  • Doxycycline (INN) is a member of the tetracycline antibiotics group and is commonly used to treat a variety of infections. Doxycycline is a semi-synthetic tetracycline invented and clinically developed in the early 1960s by Pfizer Inc. and marketed under the brand name Vibramycin.
  • An antibiotic drug used to treat infection.
  • A broad-spectrum antibiotic of the tetracycline group, which has a long half-life in the body

doxycycline for sinus infection

Doxycycline Treatment

Doxycycline Treatment
I began the treatment on April 25th 2012, today is August 14th 2012 and I still have 4 weeks of medication left.
Doxycycline is a member of the tetracycline antibiotics group, and is frequently used to treat Lyme disease, chronic prostatitis, sinusitis, syphilis, chlamydia, pelvic inflammatory disease, acne, rosacea, and rickettsial infections.
In the instruction leaflet, for Syphilis then you take 8 of these pills a day for two weeks! Haha!

I have taken about 11 weeks worth of photo-every-day pictures to check the progress of the treatment. So those photos go to early July. I stopped because I decided that I just wanted to see the overall transition instead of watching it disappear, so I have those in a video that I might upload to my YouTube channel later on once I’ve finished the treatment and have the time to finish the video off 🙂

I’ve not had to go on Accutane (was a brand, not quite sure what the drug itself is called) or anything harsh like that because my acne wasn’t as severe as cases that do need it.
But if you have a little bit of acne then I highly recommend Doxycycline. It takes about 6 weeks to start noticing changes, and if you’re like me and have no patience then you’ll get a bit annoyed ^_^

I read some people’s reviews and they said that it only temporarily gets rid of acne, and soon after you stop taking it it comes back, so that’s something else I will have to look upon and I will write an update at the end of September 🙂

Then I plan to see if I can get free laser surgery on the NHS to remove the scarring on my face, I only have a little bit. And that should also even out my skin tone a bit because it will even out clusters of freckles. Hopefully this will happen in the next few months so I look somewhat presentable and decent at Drama School auditions.

I just wanted to share this because… I wanted to ^_^

Love, Jonny x.


COX DW or doxycycline